Learn To Earn. Click

Thursday, September 29, 2011


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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How To Succeed In The World Of Internet Marketing

When you are new to Internet Marketing, you would probably be lost, confused and all over the place, not to mention frustrated because not a single soul is visiting your site. I know what you are going through, I've been there, and I tell you honestly, that it was the most thwarting day of my Internet Marketing life ,but also it was one of the best day. Why? because from there, I started thinking and got gutsy, and most of all creative. I learned to abandon fear, I began learning and searching for solutions. I got inspired with my frustration and swore that I would never go through that same issue again.

Now, I am proud to say, that just for a couple of months in the Affiliate Marketing business, I now have a minimum of 500 visitors in site that I promote and have a people opting-in and importantly, people buying my products. Before, my Budurl was as dry as a desert, now its has become a lush, flourishing, and self-sustaining garden. How was I able to do turn that obstacle in to a motivation? Read through.

  • Have a goal. You need to know what you are trying to achieve. When you are new to the business, your first goal would probably have lots of traffic coming to your site. After traffic, you might go for more opt-ins, then sales, then number of sales, then expanding your business. Organizing your goal would give you direction and focus. It will allow you to concentrate on solutions and not problems. 
  • Speaking of organizing, write down 6 important things you need to do tomorrow and do it according to importance. Do not go to the next order in the item, unless you are done with the first one. Do this daily. 
  • Update Yourself. The only thing that you can update yourself is to read, learn, and research about the business that you are in. When you're into Affiliate Marketing, take time to read books, watch videos, and interact with mentors about the subject. Spare an hour to learn more about your trade. One of the best way to become really successful in Internet Marketing is to become an expert on your own trade. 
  • Find the right Niche. You will know the right niche or people who would buy your product when you did some research. To give you an idea of the right niche, ask yourself, "Who would benefit from my products/ services?" Once you know the answer to this question, you would have an idea on where to begin selling your product/ services and what sales pitch you need to use. 
  • Interact. This is very important in the world of Internet Marketing. This is vital. You need to talk and communicate to your potential buyers and treat each and everyone of them as the most important person. Answer all their queries and help them out.
  • Believe in your product. When you are excited with your product and believe it in with your heart and soul, the you are going to achieve success, guaranteed!
  • Have the right tool. You cannot do it all by yourself. You need the right tool to make your Internet Marketing a lot easier, especially when it comes to knowing your stats, Social Media Marketing,and Article submission. However, do not go overboard with fully automating your social media experience, since this is your way of getting in touch with the world. 
  • Write 20 things that can improve your services to your client and potential customers. Pay attention to details. If you want to be successful in everything that you do, pay attention to details, because that is the difference between being mediocre and becoming great.
  • Have the right Mindset. The right mindset is your everyday fuel. You need to have the right interpretation of rejection, stress, and failure. You need to understand that everybody encounters setbacks and it's alright. Just move on, learn from it and find a solution. Just a suggestion, write down all the mistakes and failure in your business, this will remind you not to do it again. Keep in mind, these problems and setbacks are not exclusive to you, even the most, successful people encounters the same issues, however, what makes them successful is they owned the mistakes, learned from it, focused on the solution and not on the frustration. To achieve the right mindset, invest in personal development, enrich yourself. Keep in mind what Jim Rohn said, "If you work hard on your job, you will make a living; if you work hard on yourself, you will make a fortune."

Friday, August 12, 2011

How To Find The Perfect Affiliate Marketing Program For You

One of the best ways to earn online is through affiliate marketing. The great thing about affiliate marketing is you do not have to go through the complicated process of creating your own product/s. With affiliate marketing, all you have to do is to promote someone else's product or services and you get instant commissions for every sale you get. Affiliate marketing can give you a steady monthly income without spending a lot of money, however, you need to find the right product for you to promote.

In order to reach the status of earning a regular income online with affiliate marketing, you need to find the right product for you. So how do you do that? Read on.

  • Find the product that you have an interest with. It's hard to promote a product when it's totally out of your league. For instance, you're into self- improvement and LOA, therefore, find products and software about it. Once you have great interest with the product, promoting it would be fun and easy.

  •  Believe in your product. When you are not excited about the product you are promoting, then nobody will be excited enough to buy it. Keep in mind that nobody will believe in the product you are promoting, unless you believe in it first. 
  •  Find an affiliate product that gives you great commission. Let's face it, this is what it's all about. There are products that give 50%- 75% commission, other than commissions, others give free products that you can promote. Find the one that gives you the top deal. 
  •  Find a product that has good reviews. Reviews are important, especially if you are promoting a software. When the customer encounters a problem with the software you are promoting, you need to be ready with not just your answers, but solutions. In this kind of business, a negative single thread from a popular forum post can go viral and shut down your business, if you are not careful with what you are promoting. 
  • Find a product that is up-to-date, upgradable, or can stand the test of time. Although some people doesn't really take note of this as long as served its purpose for them at the moment. However, when you want to keep earning regularly with a certain product, choose the one one that is up-to-date, upgradable, and/ or can stand the test of time. 
  • Find a product that can cater a lot of niche. The more market you can tap, the better. 
  • Find an affiliate marketing that helps you promote. When you are newbie, you really need a product that gives you a day-to-day program on how to market. It should give you a training ground to set you up in the world of internet marketing. I suggest this affiliate program that proved to be successful.
When you know what you are want, you can find these affiliate products in trusted site, like Clickbank and other affiliate program directories. Once you have the drive, the right mindset, and unwavering commitment, you can achieve your goals no matter what! Good luck! Happy marketing!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Should You Hire An Internet Marketing Expert?

Alright, now you realize that Internet Marketing is good for your business, what are you going to do now? You want your product out there in the net but you do not know how. The closest knowledge you have at web marketing is telling your friends in Facebook to try your product. That is actually effective, but there are so much more to it. You see, the world wide web is a vast place, it's endless and limitless, just when you thought you know everything about it, something comes up again. This is what makes the world of web interesting, beautiful and of course, complicated.

One of the best ways to be effective in Internet Marketing is consider hiring an person who is an expert on this field. But why would you hire an Internet Marketing expert when you can do it yourself, right? Well, as mentioned earlier the world wide web is indeed an intricate web and when you want to put your products out there, you need someone who can maximize it, and use its intricacies in to full advantage.

You need to hire an Internet Marketing Expert when:

  • You do not know the meaning of these terms: Traffic, List Building, E-mail Follow- ups, SEO, Article Marketing, Video Marketing, Affiliate marketing, Adswap, Blogging, Social Media. 

  • You do not have ample time to do the marketing yourself. Web exposure of your product needs time. You need to at least spend five to eight hours a day if you really want to be effective and exhaust every possible platform to get your product out there. 
  • You do not know the ins and outs of the web. As mentioned earlier, the web can be complicated when you have no knowledge about it, when you are not careful, and market your product like crazy, and send every people in your Facebook and Twitter, you could be reported as spam... and the least you want to be in the web is to known as spam annoy people. This would make a supposedly potential buyer block you. 
  •  You do not know about affiliate marketing that can advertise your product and host your banners. Internet Marketing experts have ready contacts, they know where to go and who to communicate when it comes promoting products. 
  • You do not know a thing about blogs or creating one. You need content when your potential buyers are looking for information, and having a blog or a website that thoroughly gives the advantages of your product is a great plus. Article marketing or content marketing is a great way to create credibility and also gives you long term links to your product, and drives your quality, potential buyers.
When you know that you need to hire an internet marketing expert, you might want to set aside some extra budget for it. An Internet Marketer's fee can go as $350- $600 per month, this is practical enough to have someone work for you at 40 hours per week.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How To Avoid Account Suspension In Twitter

One of the first steps in venturing to Internet Marketing is using social media tools. Using social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and many others is probably the most easiest and practical way of putting your product and services out there. For one, it only takes less than two minutes to register, and it's totally free! Moreover, you can really meet people with the same interest, or better, people who are looking for your product or services, in other words potential buyers!

One of the best place to start social media is Twitter. Twitter is very easy to use, but it can be very complicated, too, especially when you use it to purely market. You have to remember that Twitter is a place where people interact and exchange ideas, and when you join there carelessly, you'll end up with no results. Yes, you might get followers, but those followers will just like you, doesn't care and doesn't respond. Twitter is very much like life, you will always get what you give out. 

In life, however, nobody suspends you when you go out and market your business massively, but in Twitter, they definitely not hesitate to suspend your account when you overwhelm people with your links and tweets.

Here are some of the reasons why Twitter suspends accounts. 

  • Spam. This means that an account is known to belong to a spam cluster. 
  • Multiple Accounts. Probably all marketers I know have several Twitter accounts with different identities. There is nothing wrong with this, actually, this is a common practice. However, when you create several accounts in a short duration of time, you will have those accounts suspended, especially the last few ones. Therefore, when you create several accounts, don't do it in a short span of time.
  •  Technical Abuse. This when twits includes links that lead to phishing sites, malware, and other harmful materials. 
  • Stealing. This is when you steal other peoples twits and credit it as your own. When you can't be creative, don't steal twits. There's an option that called "retweet" it's convenient and it can win your friends. 
  •  Updates/Twits that includes duplicate links and/or texts. This is very common and annoying. This when you keep on sending the same tweets over and over and over again. When you want to be effective in Twitter avoid doing this, cause you will not only get suspended, but will have have people unfollow you in no time. 
  • Misuse of the reply feature. Remember to reply only when needed, and reply valuable information. 
  • Aggressive following. This is probably the most common mistake when you are new to Twitter. You tend to click that "Follow" button more than five hundred times, doing this will get you suspended. Moreover, using software that claims to give you thousands of followers in just a matter of days or even hours is sure to get your account suspended.
  • User Abuse. When you do all the following things mentioned above, lots of people will block your follow or report you as spam, and that will definitely get your account suspended.
Now that you know what not to do, see you in Twitter! 


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Free Internet Marketing Tools Every Internet Marketers Should Have

When you are planning to get in to the internet Marketing business, there are two aspects that you need to have, the first one is the attitude. The attitude involves how you see internet marketing, it has to do how open your mind is about this business. You see, Internet Marketing is not for everybody. Yes, everybody can do this, but not everyone got what it takes to succeed on this. Know more about Successful Internet Marketing Attitude from my previous post.

The second aspect that you need to consider when you want to enter the Virtual Marketing is the tools, Free tools to be specific. The tools are super essential, without the right tool, you will find yourself lost and stranded in this business. When you are just trying out on this business, "money saved, is money earned,"  so they say, therefore, to help you out, here are some of the few free tools that you need to have when you want to conquer the world of internet marketing.

Email Marketing Provider. When you want to communicate with people who are interested to buy your product or services, and convince them to buy, then you need an email marketing provider. One free email marketing provider is Mailchimp.com. This service provider is capable of storing up to nearly 500 contacts, free of charge!

Social Media Tools. When you want to introduce your product or services to the world, you need to go where the world is, and that is Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, just to name a few. Now, you cannot be in these social media platform all through out the day promoting your products, this is where social media tools become very important.  Hellotxt.com helps you organize all your social media life in one place, including social bookmarking sites. Another helpful tool to promote your products/ services 24 hours a day without losing sleep is Tweetdeck. Tweetdeck allows you to manage your Twitter and Facebook account. I personally use this on my Twitter account. This tool allows you to schedule your tweets and also direct messages, an equally useful alternative is Hootesuite.com. More Social media tools that you need to check out are Twellow, Tweepi, Tweinds, Twitaholic, twitscoop, and monitter.

Onscreen Capturing Tool. When you want to make tutorial videos or do video marketing, then Camstudio can help you with this. Camstudio can record what is happening on your screen free of charge.

Ip Hider. There are instances where you need to keep your IP hidde, one helpful and free software for this is hidemyass. Every internet marketer needs to have this one.

Plagiarism Checker. The least you want in the world of Internet Marketing is to be charged with plagiarism issues. Free tools for these are articlechecker.com and Dupefree software. There are so many plagiarism checker software out there. If you really want the best of the best, then Copyscape is it, but they charge per scan.

These are just of the few Free Internet marketing tools that can help you started without spending a dime, I am sure that you have your own tools, too, there are hundreds and thousands of them on the web, feel free to share them here!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

7 Crucial Aspects To Look For When Planning To Join An Online Business

                  The World Wide Web Success On Your Hands

When you are planning to join an Online Business, here are some of the things that you need to consider.

  • Legitimacy. This is the most important thing that you have to look out for. Read: how to prevent online scams and spotting online scams. There are so many online scams out there that are cunning and wily enough to steal your money in front of your face. So be vigilant and thorough on where you invest your hard- earned money. 
  • Test Drive. An legitimate online business should allow you to have a test drive. An honest to goodness Internet Business will not allow you to put your money into something that you do not understand. They will not convince you through their flashy sales letter and out of this world promises and guarantees. They will give you an opportunity to experience the business before you decide, they are not afraid to open their doors. There are online businesses that allow you to try their services for a 14-day trial period for a dollar, try it here
  • Training Rooms, Webinars, and Tools. This is another important thing to consider. Internet Marketing is growing and always changing. Therefore, choose an Online Business that gives you training sessions, webinars where you are updated with the latest techniques and strategies on how to succeed online, and they should provide you tools that are able to boost up your online business. 
  • Expert Assistant Internet Marketers. When you intend to make your Online Business as your second paycheck or a part- time gig, then the Online Business should understand that you cannot do all the hard-work and spend most of your time marketing your business. Therefore, they should provide you with Expert Assistant Internet Marketers that will do all the tasking jobs in marketing your Internet Business. Personally, this is one of the reasons why I joined the online business I am with now. Not only it is certified legitimate, but it provided me a hard working and committed internet marketer that do all the work while I enjoy every moment with my family. This is huge factor for me.
  • 24- Hour Support. One of the worst thing that can happen to you, is when you joined an Online Business and  when things go wrong, you have nobody to turn to. When you have questions and queries all they give you is an automated recording, or a complain form that you know will go straight to the virtual trash. An Online Business should have a person ready and willing to help you out every time a worry- attack hits your. 
  •  Real Testimonials. There should be a track record that people are earning and succeeding. A real Online Business should not be all hype, but all about real results.
  •  Autopilot System. There is this famous saying that, "Money Never Sleeps..." your online business should understand this and gives you an automated system that allows you turn every second of the day, yes, even while you sleep.

    Tuesday, May 3, 2011

    Successful Internet Marketing Business Attitude

    When you want to be successful in Internet Marketing business, then you need to possess some certain attitudes. You see, no matter how skilled you are, or no matter how educated you are, you are not going to succeed in anything when you do not have the proper attitude.

    When it comes to Internet Marketing business, you need to have right mental point of you, especially if you are doing your Online Business right from the comforts of your own home. Distractions and procrastination can be your first enemy. When you are working at home, it is when you need to practice more self- discipline and right time management. When the temptation of lounging back on the bed, or playing with the kids, or taking longer naps seems tempting, or boredom sets in, here are some tips that might help you go back on track!

    • Think that there is a solution to every problem. On my experience, one of the hardest thing for me to manage was the social media. Don't get me wrong, I love doing Twitter and Facebook, I really enjoy interacting with people and learning from them and sharing my ideas, but posting and unfollowing and following people can be very time consuming. When you can relate to what I am going through, think that there is a solution to every problem. Be exploratory and never stop asking questions to other marketers or to Google. With this, I found hootsuite/ or Tweetdeck, to schedule my twits, and to easily manage my account. I also found Tweepi to easily follow and unfollow people. I also found that application in Facebook that allows  me to connect my Tweets to my Facebook, thus saving me more time! Therefore, never stop exploring, there is a solution to every problem!
    • Be Grateful. There are times when you miss the outside world, and would sometimes get bored with the routine. This is where I tell you, that when you have found the perfect and legitimate Online Business for you, where you can work from home, then you are in the best position in your life, especially when you have children. Personally, what I love about home based Online Business is I can hear and see my children everyday. I give them a sense of security that their mom is just in the other room, willing and ready to listen to them and comfort them. I also love my short breaks where I can go out from my home office and come up to them for a hug and kiss. These are the things that keeps me going, and pushes me to do well on my online job. 
    • Be sincere and be open to communication. One of the greatest things about joining the Online Business I am in now is that they hold Internet Marketing webinar everyday for free. This is where they teach newbies like me about the latest Internet Marketing techniques and attitude, and one of the most valuable lessons I learned during that webinar is that Internet Marketing business is all communication! While offline business is all about location, online business is all about communication. You just don't go pitch your product at every chance you get, but you also need to be sincere and help out. This means that really reach out to your friends in Facebook and Twitter.  
    • Monitor what you are doing wrong and what you are doing right. One of the worst thing that you can do is to focus your energy on something that is not productive. Seriously, I have nothing against MySpace or Friendster, but if you want to market there, you won't get anything back, on my case at least. Also, there are certain parts of the countries that cannot afford the product you are selling because of currency issues. Therefore, it's best that you know your audience, know your niche, you will not be only doing yourself a favor, but also the people who have been seeking your products, too. 
    • Be credible and reliable. This is a no-brainer, you need to research on your product and your niche. When your product is about relationship, then be well- verse about the said topic. Do some research, do some readings, and share your ideas. 
    •  Be patient. Real internet marketers are patient people, because they know that their efforts will pay off sooner or later. 
    These are my ideas of the few attitude your need to have to be successful in your Internet Marketing Business, what about yours? What does it take to be a successful internet market? Feel free to share!  

    Friday, April 29, 2011

    Ways To Make Money Online: Spotting Online Scams

    There are so many ways to make money online. If you have a gift for writing, you can do some article writing jobs, or some blog commenting stuff. If you know about a thing or two about back linking, then you can offer that to website owners, for a price of course. The possibilities of earning money online from home are limitless. However, there are some things that you should watch out for, and those are online scams.

    To spot online scams, remember these characteristics: Scheming, Crafty, Aggressive, and Malicious. When you want to venture on making money online, you need to guard your money like a junkyard watchdog.

    Here are some ways to spot online scams:
    • They offer you a business without a product! There are so many online business out there that offers you a get-rich-quick system, but when you purchase their product you receive a package with an empty box! A legitimate home based online business will offer you training modules, unlimited access to a training room, and an online support. 
    • They tell you that you do not need a website. Take note of this, when you want to make money online, a website is necessary! 
    • They tell you that you do not need a list! Just like a website, a list is necessary! Everybody who are making money online will tell you that, "the money is in the list." 
    • They don't have a live person that you can talk to. When you want to talk to a person in-charge all you get is a chat mate. 
    • They don't have a legitimate contact information on the site. There should be a valid phone number and address.
    • They don't have an application  where they ask for your real personal information.
    Once you know how to protect yourself online, you are sure to have more success in your home based business.

    Wednesday, April 27, 2011

    How To Avoid Home Based Business Scams

    If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

    Joining a legitimate Home Based Online Business was a long and thorough process for me. You see, when you are a stay at home mom just like me, it's so easy to fall for online business scams. Although, there are so many legit home based businesses out there, there are still a few who would take advantage of your need to earn extra income for your family. 

    How to avoid home based business scams and work at home opportunity scams, is a matter knowing that they are all about. This is what I am going to share with your now. 

    Here are some few tips on how to avoid Home based business scams and work at home opportunity scams:

    1. Research before your join. Never hesitate to contact the company directly, and inquire straight to the manager. If you tried several times and cannot contact a real live person, then don't even go there.
    2. When it comes home based business scams, the same process goes. Ask if you can talk to the person in-charge. A home based business should have a 24- hour online support where you can inquire and ask about anything.
    3. When an online business seems shady, try to contact the Better Business Bureau. When an online business opportunity is promising ridiculously large amount of money in no time, then it will tend to be a scam.
    4.  When you are rendering your services, such as a typing job or article making, you should never pay money to work for a certain company. 
    5. Never ever give your credit card information, unless of course, you have talked to a live person and have verified it to Better Business Bureau.
    When you are careful in your online life the way you are cautious and mindful in your offline life, it's not hard to succeed and ear as much as you can in a legitimate home based online business

    Tuesday, April 26, 2011

    The Wonders and Beauty Of Being A Stay At Home Mom

    Every time a child is born, a mother is born, too.

    It has been six months since I have given up my career and decided to stay at home. Believe me the whole thing was not as simple as writing it in one sentence. Me and my husband, Anthony had a long hard talk about the decision of me staying at home. With a notepad and a pen, we discussed if we can afford having one paycheck for the four of us, plus the mortgage and loans and other necessities. After hours of going through all the corners of possibilities, we followed our hearts, and decided that being a stay at home mom is the best thing that we can do for our children.

    Being a stay at home mom was perfect for me. I love it! I've been a career woman for as long as I can remember and I thought I was going to an identity crisis. But I was wrong, I have never felt so comfortable with my own skin being a full time stay at home mom. I love being with my kids, I enjoy preparing their breakfast, sending them to school, picking them up, having lunch together, having afternoon walks, singing in the car, cruising around the block, picking up dad in the office, preparing dinner together, and at night, reading some bedtime stories and talking about everything under the sun. It's a delightful life. I can go on like this forever.

    After a few months, however, reality set in, the bills are getting paid on time, and there's ample food in the fridge, my husband is a wonderful provider, but he can only provide the necessities. I am no material girl, but once in while it's fun to buy a new pair of shoes or danglings.

    So, I talked to a trusted friend about this, and she offered me this reliable online business. I was hesitant at first, because I never had any experience on these kinds of things, and as a matter of fact, it's the first time I heard about online business, and my idea of home based business is selling lemonade on the front yard. But when I checked out the site, everything seems to be in order, but as a typical, calculating, and meticulous person, I asked around, everybody I know vouched for it. Still hesitant, I signed up for their $1 trial, from then on, I was hooked, not because of anything else, but because I was earning a lot! It was slow at first, but at least money is coming.

    I signed up full time last March 9, and before the month ended I was earning:

    The great thing about this, I don't have to compromise my time with my kids and family. I still enjoy the same quality time, yet earning just as much as my husband, and even more!

    I do not only understand the meaning of home based online business, but I am now enjoying its beauty.