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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Free Internet Marketing Tools Every Internet Marketers Should Have

When you are planning to get in to the internet Marketing business, there are two aspects that you need to have, the first one is the attitude. The attitude involves how you see internet marketing, it has to do how open your mind is about this business. You see, Internet Marketing is not for everybody. Yes, everybody can do this, but not everyone got what it takes to succeed on this. Know more about Successful Internet Marketing Attitude from my previous post.

The second aspect that you need to consider when you want to enter the Virtual Marketing is the tools, Free tools to be specific. The tools are super essential, without the right tool, you will find yourself lost and stranded in this business. When you are just trying out on this business, "money saved, is money earned,"  so they say, therefore, to help you out, here are some of the few free tools that you need to have when you want to conquer the world of internet marketing.

Email Marketing Provider. When you want to communicate with people who are interested to buy your product or services, and convince them to buy, then you need an email marketing provider. One free email marketing provider is Mailchimp.com. This service provider is capable of storing up to nearly 500 contacts, free of charge!

Social Media Tools. When you want to introduce your product or services to the world, you need to go where the world is, and that is Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, just to name a few. Now, you cannot be in these social media platform all through out the day promoting your products, this is where social media tools become very important.  Hellotxt.com helps you organize all your social media life in one place, including social bookmarking sites. Another helpful tool to promote your products/ services 24 hours a day without losing sleep is Tweetdeck. Tweetdeck allows you to manage your Twitter and Facebook account. I personally use this on my Twitter account. This tool allows you to schedule your tweets and also direct messages, an equally useful alternative is Hootesuite.com. More Social media tools that you need to check out are Twellow, Tweepi, Tweinds, Twitaholic, twitscoop, and monitter.

Onscreen Capturing Tool. When you want to make tutorial videos or do video marketing, then Camstudio can help you with this. Camstudio can record what is happening on your screen free of charge.

Ip Hider. There are instances where you need to keep your IP hidde, one helpful and free software for this is hidemyass. Every internet marketer needs to have this one.

Plagiarism Checker. The least you want in the world of Internet Marketing is to be charged with plagiarism issues. Free tools for these are articlechecker.com and Dupefree software. There are so many plagiarism checker software out there. If you really want the best of the best, then Copyscape is it, but they charge per scan.

These are just of the few Free Internet marketing tools that can help you started without spending a dime, I am sure that you have your own tools, too, there are hundreds and thousands of them on the web, feel free to share them here!

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